Founder and managing partner of Shortlist Consulting and CMO Summit by Shortlist. Manager and entrepreneur with over 25 years of experience in the field of marketing communication and business development. In the years 1995-2012 she worked in Polish and international structures of advertising agencies.
In 2013, she founded a consulting company supporting advertising agencies and marketers in building business relationships. She is the founder and organizer of CMO Summit conference addressed to CMOs, marketing directors and advertisers. She also conducts business interviews with experts in the marketing and advertising communication industry.She creates and conducts trainings and workshops in the field of pitch procedures, business development / sales and building client-agency relations.
Speaker at business conferences in Poland and CEE. Arbitrator of the Advertising Ethics Committee at the Advertising Council Association. Member of the Jury of Superbrands Council, Procon Awards, 50 Most Creative in Business Awards. In the years 2016-18 she was the Vice President of the Management Board of the Warsaw Ski Club WKN.