Time for meaningful actions
“The coronavirus dominated the reality around us very quickly -it seems to have happened suddenly and by surprise. It affects all areas of our lives: work, study, family life, hobbies, behaviour. It concern all of us democratically. During our lifetime there was no such phenomenon and theme that would affect such a huge and multidimensional change. Threads that have absorbed us so far -like ecology, caring for the planet, climate and energy changes, although still valid and important –do not have our solemn attentionanymore. We already focus on coronavirus and its impact on our completely new world, thathaspulledupthe handbrakeat full speed. What is happening in our marketing communication industry? We learn, observe, advise andknowthat the crisis will end one day. As usual in such situations there will be winners who have noticedan element of opportunity in the crisis and losers who were not agile enough. As HMG, we believe-and we have this faith based on numbersfromprevious analyses and studiesthat we have been running for over a dozen years–the brands can also come out unscathed from the time of the plague. Basedon ourMeaningfulBrandsstudyresults, we have been talking for a long time about the enormous importance of what a brand does for its consumers -people. Now, during the re-evaluation, this will be especially important and responsible and credible brand actions will gain even stronger emotions and consumer bond…” (fragment from PDF file)