Advocate, Ph.D., partner at Traple Konarski Podrecki i Wspólnicy law firm, responsible for the Media Communication & Entertainment practice. Piotr specializes in media and advertising law, particularly with regard to electronic media, and new technologies law and intellectual property law, advising on a range of issues, as well as in litigation, with particular emphasis on the protection of personality rights on the Internet.

Piotr is a founding member of the New Technologies Law Association (SPNT) and a member of the E-sport Team at the Polish Chamber of Information Technology and Telecommunications (PIIT). He is a permanent adviser to the IAB Poland. In 2005 and 2006, he acted as legal counsel to the Creative Common movement in Poland. He speaks at conferences in Poland and elsewhere, and conducts specialist training courses on intellectual property law and a broad range of Internet law issues. He is also a postgraduate course lecturer (Jagiellonian University, Polish Academy of Sciences).

He is the author of numerous academic publications, including two monographies: Open Content. Zagadnienia prawne [Open Content. Legal aspects] and Wolność prasowej wypowiedzi satyrycznej. Studium cywilistyczne na tle porównawczym [Freedom of press satirical expression. Civil law study with comparisons]. Piotr is also an assistant professor at the Institute of Competition Law and Media at the Intellectual Property Department of the Faculty of Law and Administration at the Jagiellonian University. He is a graduate of the Faculty of Law and Administration at the Jagiellonian University, and completed postgraduate studies on intellectual property law.