Owner of Concept Spot (consulting company). In her work she concentrates on areas having impact on effective marketing communication. She works with management boards, advertising agencies, marketing, HR and procurement departements. She helps in optimalization process, supports recruitement processes, creates together with clients business strategies. Lecturer, trainer and mentor. She has been involved with the advertising business since 2001, lately as managing director of Ogilvy Group in Poland. She worked for various clients, i.e. Allianz, Decathlon, Kompania Piwowarska, Philips, PZU, PKO Bank Polski, McDonald’s, PLL LOT, winning for them both awards. She is a jury and a commitee member of Effie Poland. She was an active member of the team working on good standards in the marketing communication business (https://www.dobryprzetarg.com.pl).
Zuzanna is mentor at http://technologiawspodnicy.pl and a lecturer at Warsaw School of Econmics, where she also graduated (faculty of management and marketing).